Ask Peegee
Conflict or Dispute is part of life. It is normal, and everyone faces disputes at some stage. People are often confused what to do and which process to apply to their situation. It is not always the access to justice that matters in resolving a dispute in the most efficient way, but it is about the access to information and support to help people to identify their issues and get the best option available to resolve disputes.

When it comes to dispute resolution, there are so many choices available to us. There would be both court-based and non-court-based options. Most people resolve their disputes themselves. Others seek assistance from an independent third person or body. Courts and tribunals are there to decide disputes. However, not everyone with a dispute goes to court and access to justice goes beyond access to the courts. As the former US Chief Justice Warren Burger has said, “The notion that most people want black-robed judges, well dressed lawyers, and fine court room settings to resolve disputes is not correct. People with problems, like people with pains, want relief, and they want it as quickly and as inexpensively as possible”.
“Peegee” is a virtual guide in the Peacegate App, which will help you to analyse your dispute and identify the best possible mode of dispute resolution through Artificial Intelligence. After discussing with you, Peegee gives a Conflict Analysis Report. This is a system towards access to justice, where a person’s dispute is analysed, the criteria for effective dispute resolution is applied, and the appropriate match is made between the dispute and mode of dispute resolution and thereby suggesting the most suitable manner of resolving such disputes. The Report also gives you the basic information about some of the alternative dispute resolution options available and helping people to open the best gate available for them to resolve their dispute! And it is absolutely free!