IIAM Academy
IIAM Academy is an online learning platform, available under the Peacegate App. It offers students, professionals, mediators, arbitrators, advocates and others interested to know more about the various techniques, procedures, methods and other intricacies of ADR methods, to learn from high quality content, in written, audio and video formats, taught by the world’s leading experts on the topics.

With IIAM Academy, you can hone your skills as a Mediator, Arbitrator or ADR Professional and be confident that your skills will be accurate, complete, and up to date.
Advantages of learning through IIAM Academy
Lower Costs: Learning through IIAM Academy can significantly cut the cost of your learning. Apart from the low cost of the program, since you learn online and from the comfort of your own home, you won't need to pay for travel, room and board and since the learning materials are also available for download, you save money on expensive texts and workbooks.
Expert Tutors: Courses through IIAM Academy allow the opportunity to take a class by the world’s leading experts on the topics, which you may not have realistic access to geographically. You can choose the best available Tutors and topics from India and abroad.
Less Pressure: Taking a class online means that you can read and learn the material on your own time. Learning on your own time means less pressure to keep up with other works and schedules. With IIAM Academy you can progress at your own pace. Everyone needs a different amount of time to absorb and process information, therefore, face-to-face training is unlikely to be the ideal solution for everyone. Providing the freedom of self-paced learning ensures that you get the most out of the training.
Flexibility: You can complete the courses under IIAM Academy regardless of external conditions, personal commitments or those unexpected life incidents. Login online at any time and check out what assignment is due next or what chapters you need to read. All you need is access to the internet and you are ready to go. There is no time-line or duration for the course – you can commence the course and complete the course as per your convenience. When you feel comfortable and ready, start the evaluation test and complete the course. On completion of the program, based on the program evaluation method, which will also be online, you can get the certificate online.
Skill Development confidentially: Courses through IIAM Academy not only help you to increase your knowledge in a particular subject area, but they will also help you to undergo the course with absolute confidentiality. You may feel uncomfortable attending a regular physical classroom training or a tutor constantly prodding you or your peers or friends knowing that you are undergoing a training. In IIAM Academy, only you know that you are undergoing a course and no one else!
You can also be a Tutor under IIAM Academy
If you an expert on any topic, techniques, procedures, methods and other intricacies of ADR methods and would like to be a tutor, you can register yourself as a Tutor and send us the Topic and synopsis. Once it is approved, you can upload the course content, which could comprise of lectures on theories by documents, videos, power points etc. and can also combine exercises or videos. The courses can be from 5 hours to 10 hours. All this could be done through the Peacegate App itself. As an author of a program, you earn money every time a participant selects your course.